Character-Building Outdoor Activities

Boy with stick

Bring out the best in your group with our adventurous and nature-based activities

Girls crate stacking

When children come on a Rootd residential trip, we want to see them learn new skills, rise to new challenges and discover what they can really achieve in the freedom of the outdoors – all whilst having a great time together!

Our activities are all designed with this in mind, so children leave feeling more confident, resilient and proud of what they’ve accomplished in their time away from home.

Our school trip activities

We offer a wide range of activities on a Rootd school trip, giving them the chance to try new activities out of their comfort zone, uncover hidden strengths and above all have fun!

Which ones would your students pick?

  • Survivor Bushcraft
    Discover the skills needed to thrive in nature, including shelter building, fire lighting and roasting marshmallows!
  • Explorers
    Discover more about our wonderful British woodlands through tree identification, bug hunts, woodland crafts and nature-based games.
  • Archery
    Cheer on your teammates as they go for gold!
  • Crate stacking
    Develop communication and problem-solving skills through a fun and challenging activity.
  • Cresta Run
    Cheer each other on as you whizz down the Cresta Run!
  • High ropes
    Feel the adrenaline as you reach new heights whilst conquering obstacles.
  • Potholing
    Face your fears with this unique caving experience.
  • Forest games
    Discover new friendships whilst enjoying nature-based games.
  • Scavenger hunts
    Explore the woodland whilst finding all the treasures nature has to offer.
  • Team Challenge
    Improve teamwork and communication through team games and puzzles.

An education in nature

Spending time in the outdoors has so many benefits for children. From improving physical and mental health to increasing creativity and building problem-solving skills, the positive impact of being in nature can be huge.

At Rootd, our back-to-basics Bushcraft and Explorer activities focus on connecting children with nature and opening their eyes to the potential for adventure in the great outdoors.


A whistle stop tour of British nature and wildlife:

  • Trees – An introduction to the largest of our living things. Children learn the basics of identification, life cycles and their connection to human history.
  • Insects – Children collect and identify insects, getting close up and personal to combat their fears!
  • Mammals – A chance for children to ask questions, share stories and take part in woodland games to develop a better understanding of animal behaviour.
  • Foraging – Year 5-7 pupils learn about the practical applications, including food and medicine, of our common species, finishing up by safely collecting and eating the common nettle.

Survivor bushcraft

  • Explore the essentials of survival - shelter, fire and food.
  • Teach children how to use the woodlands in a respectful way.
  • Finish by toasting marshmallows on fires the children have built themselves!

Challenging and character-building

When children dare to leave their comfort zone and try new activities, their confidence can really soar. So, we make sure we include exciting and challenging activities in all our school residential trips.

Depending on the age of your group, the location and the duration of your trip, these can include, crate stacking, abseiling, high ropes, archery, and potholing.


Time to explore

When children have the freedom to play and explore, they solve problems, communicate with peers, think strategically and learn. So having fun and playing together in the outdoors is at the heart of our school trips.

Our teambuilding challenges encourage collaborative working, improving communication and social skills. And rather than encouraging competitiveness, we encourage children to support each other to reach shared goals.

Evening activity programme

The adventure doesn’t stop when the sun goes down! Our fun evening activity programme includes Cresta Run toboggans, team games and even a mystery to solve in our Cluedo Challenge. And of course, no residential school trip would be complete without an evening of songs and hot chocolate around the campfire!